Dwain Brown is a poet and spoken word artist who was born and raised in London. He has always been a fan of creatively playing around with words, whether they are in rap or poetry form. Like a Rubiks cube, Dwain likes to find different algorithms with diverse word formats embracing many styles of writing.
Dwain has performed in schools where he has worked, contributing to shows and events such as Black History month and student leaver ceremonies.
In 2016 he created a kick-starter page in order to raise money to self-publish his first book entitled ‘Ordinary to Extraordinary’. Due to his input with schools and working with disaffected students, Dwain decided to write a book that challenged the mind-set of teenagers in today’s society.
He managed to raise £1,150 to fund his project, completing the dream of self- publishing his debut poetry collection, enabling him to have that platform where he could reach out to teenagers. The Romford Recorder also picked up his intriguing journey, where Dwain expresses his passion about helping the next generation.
He went on to sell his book via Amazon, which managed to successfully sell out within a few weeks.
Recently Dwain has released his latest book entitled L.O.V.E (Love, Oppression, Victory & Evolution) which is available here.
In September 2021, Dwain had L.O.V.E displayed in the library of his childhood secondary school, which in his eyes was an amazing achievement and a huge realisation of how far he has come. L.O.V.E has also managed to find it's way into a few more school libraries based in London. In additon, his poetry has been read in schools which coincides with his passionate views on uplifting the next generation.
Dwain; who is also a psychotherapist, has now written two books with some of his poetry published in RDW's amazing anthologies, which could be found via the following links - https://www.rdw.world
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